We’re not just talking about surface or shallow orgasms involving the clitoris. We’re also talking about deep orgasms involving the vaginal spots or the G-spot. Of course, the highest form of orgasm is when the lower central nervous system is tied-in to higher portions of the brain. What does this type of experience deliver? Well, think of going on a roller coaster ride and having your body turned into one giant nerve, and all of a sudden waking up with heaven opened up before you. If this sounds fantastic, wait until it happens to you because real sex doesn’t just involve your body, it involves your emotions, your psychology, and yes, your spiritual being.
There’s a reason why philosophical and spiritual traditions from all four corners of the globe tie a direct connection between sexual stimulation and higher forms of consciousness like spiritual awakening. There is a strong spiritual component to sex, and multiple orgasms provide a gateway to that. Be that guy to deliver that experience, and guess what? You will get invited again and again and again on https://www.luckfuck.com/ .
The reason should be quite simple to you. Most guys don’t have sex that way. Most guys have sex with women because they’re simply out to please themselves. Like I said, if that’s your attitude, you might as well just jerk off. Your attitude should be: how can you please her, how can you take her to the highest level of pleasure (not just physical pleasure) possible. If you’re able to do that, then you are able to not just open deep spiritual, personal and emotional gateways for other people, but you’re able to do that for yourself as well.
Sex is an important of becoming a complete person. Unfortunately, most people only experience very shallow sexual pleasure. It’s all about just orgasming so that certain body secretions come out. That is basic. That’s like saying that the highest form of eating is to put food in your mouth. Of course, the highest form of eating would be to go to Paris, France and eat food prepared by five-star Michelin chefs.
You see the difference? There’s a big difference between eating at Dunkin’ Donuts and enjoying Chateaubriand steak prepared by a five-star chef. Be that dude who serves up the five star dinner.